Time to catch up with our own brand, The Q Experience!
The Q Experience makes navigation smarter, and boating easier. The Q Display smart plotter gives you all the boating info in one, clear and crisp touch screen. The product family also includes an upgraded Q Mobile App, Q Digital Switch, Q Remote and much more.
Here are some Q News about the smart navigation brand before the boating season of 2021!
1 Release of the Q Display 2 Series
A new generation of smart plotters, Q Display 2 Series, was released in November of 2020. The new product line features three display sizes: 10″, 16″, and 2×10″. The double display gives the user a chance to view more applications and chart views at the same time, and to customize them to user’s own liking.
Superior user experience
The Q Display is the easiest-to-use plotter on the market. The mission of the Q Experience is to make boating accessible for everyone by making the technology easy.
Branded for boat brands
The Q Experience products are branded and customized for every boat brands’ liking, making it a seamless part of every boat – just like a dashboard in a modern car.
Always connected
The Q Display is constantly connected to the internet, allowing it to automatically update the latest features. The Q Mobile App allows the user to monitor the boat with their phones, control the heater remotely and share boating trips with contacts.
2 Guard feature with Q Mobile App
The Q Mobile app has also been through some upgrades. Most notable is the Guard-feature, that keeps your boat safe by working as an antitheft alarm. The Q App will alarm you if your boat is e.g. filling with water or targeted by a thief.
The Q Mobile apps are entirely free to download and use.
For Buster and Yamarin boats:
- Buster Mobile App for Android
- Buster Mobile App for iOs
- Yamarin Mobile App for Android
- Yamarin Mobile App for iOs
3 New software releases before summer
This summer will be like no another, since there will be both Q Display 1 Series, and new Q Display 2 Series plotters out on the waters! Both are constantly being developed to be the best version of a smart plotter there can be.
For us, a superior user experience is the most important part of criteria we have while developing new software versions for our plotters. New software versions will be released for both Q Series before the next boating season.
4 Field Support in Sweden for the boating season of 2021
One of the biggest upgrades to the navigation brand’s customer support is the upcoming field support during the boating summer of 2021. This summer Q Field Support will be positioned in Sweden, where they will offer Q Support right on the scene, land or water.
5 Upgraded website and social media
Since our last blog post about Q News our smart plotter brand’s website also got a facelift. The Q Experience’s website features more information on the navigation brand. The website also offers support on the use of Q devices.
Make sure you are also following The Q Experience on its social media channels to stay up to date with all new updates and news!
The development on The Q Experience brand has been partly funded by Finland’s Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.